Ledger® Live*Download - Secure (Gitbook) | us

Download Ledger Live to set up, manage and grow your crypto assets with your Ledger device. Learn how to buy, exchange, swap and access smart services on Ledger Live.

For Desktop (Windows, macOS, Linux)

  1. Visit the Official Ledger Website:

    • Go to the Ledger Live download page.

  2. Download the Application:

    • Choose the version appropriate for your operating system: Windows, macOS, or Linux.

    • Click the corresponding download button.

  3. Install the Application:

    • Once the download is complete, open the installer file.

    • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.

For Mobile (iOS and Android)

  1. Visit the App Store or Google Play Store:

    • For iOS devices, go to the Apple App Store.

    • For Android devices, go to the Google Play Store.

  2. Download the App:

    • Search for "Ledger Live" if the links do not direct you correctly.

    • Tap the download/install button.

  3. Install and Set Up:

    • Open the app once the download is complete.

    • Follow the setup instructions to connect your Ledger hardware wallet and configure your account.

Additional Tips

  • Ensure You Download from Official Sources: Always download Ledger Live from the official Ledger website or official app stores to avoid malicious software.

  • Keep Software Updated: Regularly check for updates to ensure you have the latest security features and improvements. RO>>>

Last updated